Cacao Ceremony and Kirtan


Cacao Ceremony and Kirtan on Friday 7 April 2023 Starting 17.30 at Amaravati Wellness Center

Cacao Ceremony and Kirtan

on Friday 7 April 2023 Starting 17.30

at Amaravati Wellness Center

Join us for a heart-opening Cacao ceremony followed by a Kirtan music circle with Reggae and Afro-inspired melodies.
The spirit of Cacao is a Native Mesoamerican heart-opening medicine, that pairs beautifully well with the practice of Kirtan, a Bhakti yoga tradition of chanting mantras using different terms for the divine. This time around, we’re also including some Reggae and African-inspired chants and songs for a dynamic musical experience.
Come to chant, to meditate, to let go, and just be.
This mantra music circle is created to bring the conscious community closer together and share good energies to elevate our light as one.
Feel free to feel free.
Date: 7th April, 5.30pm
Location: Amaravati Wellness Centre
Includes: A Cacao Ceremony and Kirtan followed by dinner
Your investment: 350 Baht, this includes a delicious Indian Vegetarian Dinner to be enjoyed after the ceremony.
Please feel free to bring your musical instruments. Please bring your own water bottle. This will be a fun and loving event and we hope you can join us!

เที่ยวเชียงใหม่ หากิจกรรมทำอัพเดต ข่าวสาร กิจกรรม เชียงใหม่ วันนี้ได้ตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง พบกับกิจกรรมนันทนาการ กิจกรรมท่องเที่ยว กิจกรรมทำบุญ ได้ที่นี่ไม่พลาดข่าวสารอย่าลืมกดไลค์เพจ

The Location : Amaravati Wellness Center