Discovering Self


“Cacao ceremony, Guided meditation, Breath work” on Sunday 4 June 2023 Starting 13.00 at Chiang Mai Holistic

“Cacao ceremony, Guided meditation, Breath work”

on Sunday 4 June 2023 Starting 13.00

at Chiang Mai Holistic

Discovering Self
“Cacao ceremony, Guided meditation, Breath work”
An Introduction workshop about spirituality, how to connect deeper with our higher self, how to train our mind to be in the infinite presence of unconscious realm and through the practices that will help in our self discoveries of our own truth.
Part I- Cacao Ceremony
Cacao is used for centuries in spiritual practices and meditation to enhance our senses and ability to connect to the unseen realm. The reason being is because cacao has chemical properties that reacts to our blood in the cellular level, opening our blood cells to receive more oxygen hence higher communication within the cells in our body. By open our blood cells, the blood vessels also widen and send more blood with higher content of oxygen to our brain, helping us able to concentrate better, meditate clearer, and connect deeper within our self. We will discuss more about the importance of intention in the process of making cacao and how cacao can help us connect to our higher self in our spiritual practices and meditation.
Part II- Guided Meditation
We will experience a practice that can help us to connect to the spiritual world or the realm of unconsciousness, and the infinite dimension by Guided Meditation. We will go deeper within the soul realm to discover more about our self and our world within.
Part III- Breathwork
There will be a short exercise of breathwork to help release any tension, blockage, or trauma that might have present itself for us to clear during the process of meditation. In discovering truth about ourself, we might find certain unpleasant events that we have buried deep long time ago and through meditation we might be able to see them to work with them again in order to clear any blockages that still present.
Breathwork can also help us further our connection to our deeper self by using the body and breath as a vehicle to enhance the connection to our soul.
All Level of Spirituality welcome!

Date: 4 June 2023
Time: 1-2:30pm
Price: 500 Baht
Place: Chiangmai Holistic Center
Can book directly with Chiangmai Holistic or
FB: The Akashic Guide
LineID: napindac

The Location : Chiang Mai Holistic